질문 : How is recycling you practiced when you were young different from what you do today?
Are there any big differences? Are there any similarties? Tell me about how recycling has changed over the years
답변 : Back in the day, people did not think recycling was important.
They did not recycle at home because there was no recycling policy.
People just took out recyclables with the other garbage.
However, I remember recycling being practiced at schools.
We separated the recyclables from the non-recyclables.
We sometimes took scrap paper to school for collection.
I remember doing that when I was a kid.
But these days, people's views have changed a lot.
They are more conscious about enviromental issues.
They think recycling is very important for the enviroment.
So, recycling is well-practiced at people's homes.
it has become a part of our daily lives.